Monday, August 25, 2008

So far pretty fun

Its been a little while since my last post, although I have been pretty busy. I finally got to play Warhammer Online, and I have to say its pretty fun. It does need some more polish that's for sure. But overall I like it quite a bit.

Other than that I have just been working pretty much. Not a whole lot going on.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In the Beta!...Sorta

Woo, I got an invite to the closed beta of Warhammer Online! Actually I got it on Tuesday. The problem is I have do DL it through bit torrent which is normally ok, its just that for some reason no matter what ports I open I can't get fast download speeds, at most the download has gone at about 90 KB/s, and oh yeah, the file is just under 10 gigs. Needless to say the download is gonna take a couple days, and the anticipation is killing me, especially because these are my days off.

Anyway, I also picked up Madden 09 over my days off. I'm really impressed with the graphical upgrades they put into it, especially since the graphics last year weren't anything to sneeze at. Game play is pretty good, the new My Skill system is pretty neat, although I think its a little flawed. The tests you take for it seem to over rate your skill because the tests they put you through are way easier than the actual game. I also forgot how pissed off I get at this game when I play it. I don't know what it is, but something about the game just sets me off some times. Its probably because most of the time the game is pretty accurate with how it plays out... Most of the time... Its those times when Willie Parker Breaks six tackles through the middle to run for a touchdown or when a linebacker makes some ridiculous interception that really make me mad.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Weekend in the Books

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but it has been a long and busy weekend for me. Work was really hectic, but that is a good thing seeing as I made some good money, although I have to say I wouldn't mind a break in the pace every so often.

There are so many good games coming out soon, I suppose we are coming upon gaming (holiday) season pretty soon. Madden 09 is coming out on Tuesday, I will probably end up going over to my friends place to get some time in on the game, still not sure if I am going to but it or not. After Madden 06, I really lost a lot of interest in the franchise, because it was such a big let down that year. Also there is Warhammer online which everyone knows I am really looking forward to. I also just saw a trailer for Star Trek online and I have to admit it looks pretty darn cool. Then ofcourse there is Spore, Fable 2, FF 13 just to name a few. It looks to be shaping up to be a pretty good year.

As far as the writing front goes, I honestly haven't had a lot of time to really concentrate on ideas for the novel, work has been keeping me really busy as of recently, but maybe I can get some time in tomorrow on it during some down periods during the day.