Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Deadly Collision
Well, I just learned that Warhammer Online is going to have collision detection. This is just one of many small little details that go a long way to making a game successful. Basically what collision detection means is that players won't be able to just run through each other while they are interacting or fighting. This is good for a couple reasons; for one, it makes a big difference in melee combat. If you have ever played World of Warcraft you know that this fact alone makes tanks in the game pretty much useless, people just run right through them, literally, and run straight at the casters and long range dps. Now tanks can actually protect their squishier counterparts in pvp like they can in pve. Another thing that this does is brings terrain into the combat a lot more. For example, if a wall of tanks stands at the end of a bridge or canyon, a la Spartans, then the rest of their team can heal and snipe from afar while protecting a valuable defense point. Anyway, I just keep getting more and more excited for the release of the game, that and beta is so close I can almost taste it!