Finally, after about a month of ordering parts and fixing things, my computer has been completely assembled and is in working order! Now all I have to do is find a game that I can test my new parts on to see how they fare... Anyway, I keep reading more and more about Warhammer Online and I keep getting more excited, there is some really good info about the game in a Gamespy beta diary.
Also a topic I may discuss quite a bit in the near future is Eagles Football! That is the other thing that I am really hyped up for, I have eagerly anticipated the coming of the season with all the free agent pick ups and what I think is going to be a great draft class. First preseason games is tomorrow, woohoo!
Now, to figure out all the little programs that I have to re-download back onto my computer that I had before... Oh and by the way, thanks RJ for all the help with the computer!